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Grace Christian Fellowship Ministry

Bishop Harold Stanley and First Lady Johnetta Stanley Welcome You!
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Guest Book

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Name: Michael A.Willoiams
Date: 08/07/2013
Message: May god continue to best each and every one u in all that u do,by his will i hope to c u all soon.As of late i have been going to my old church and prasing the lord.Tell pastor i send love and will c him soon.

Name: Keijo
Date: 04/28/2013
Message: Amen for for glory to God and for blessing in the word to read and be like Jesus with the HOly Spirits power in quard of him and joy of salvation around the world in Christ and for bloods sake ,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden

Name: Nikki Chartian
Date: 04/15/2013
Message: Giving All Glory to God, for He made me to be successful and not a failure. I passed my Certification for Pharmacy Tech! Thank you Jesus!!

Name: keijo
Date: 08/27/2012
Message: Let us rejoice for grace around the world in many your home and familys salvation with peace and many the songs of heaven and healing and be great in faith,thanks and bless,keijo sweden

Name: Sister Nikki
Date: 01/31/2012
Message: It's A New Year!!! Time to get Motivated!!! Come on let's get to work. God is the source to all of our resources...Let's do our part and provide the service. God Bless all in Jesus's name!

Name: melvin davis / michelle davis
Date: 01/09/2012
Message: we are glad to be members of grace christian fellowship? we love all of you? god bless all of you?

Name: Regina Hearne
Date: 12/23/2011
Message: Giving God all the glory and praise right now for all that He is doing for, with, and through Grace Christian Fellowship Church. This site is magnificent! Thank you Jesus! Great Job Site Coordinator!

Name: marie
Date: 12/18/2011
Message: Glory to his name. Love it

Name: Nikki Chartian
Date: 12/15/2011
Message: Thank GOD!!! Now we have a website for those who are seeking the TRUE Living Word and searching for a BIBLE BASED Church Home.

Name: Grace
Date: 11/16/2011
Message: Glad to be the first to sign GCFM's guestbook


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